Change retention category on archived items
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hello everybody,I need one clarification since I was reading different answers on different forums and articles.I have implemented FSA Enterprise Vault for file...
View ArticleCan't login to console DI
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hello!I installed Symantec_DataInsight_windows_4_5_0_4800_x64.exe on Win server 2012 R2 x64 at virtual machine on VMware.After finished installation I can't logon to...
View ArticleConfig Files to monitor enterprise vault with nagios
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution i did some research about monitoring EV with nagios and did find a thread at connect. someone send me the...
View ArticleUpgrading OS W2012 to W2012R2
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi all,A customer has EV 11 implemented on windows server 2012 and everything is OK, but since a moment this customer want to upgrade the operating system from Windows...
View ArticleEnterprise Vault Monitoring - Eventlogs
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hey,I'm looking for a list with the Event IDs we should monitor in a EV 11 Environment. I would like to Configure the Customers Monitoring System with the important...
View ArticleEnterprise Vault 11.0.1 and Exchange 2013 issues
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi all! We are migrating from Ex2010 to Ex2013. All work fine on Ex2010. After migration to Ex2013 some mailboxes (about 15%) experiencing issues when archiving process...
View Article真实文凭办理英国诺森比亚大学毕业证扣/薇2754 595 898成绩单文凭学历认证使馆认证 Northumbria University
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution 扣/薇2754 595 898毕业证 成绩单 回国证明 学历认证 留信认证 网上可查永久存档★办理留信网认证。(国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书,将在网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息。)--------------------------------留学信息咨询 留学服务中心 联系人Macy电话:150 7929...
View Article真实文凭办理英国纽曼大学毕业证扣/薇2754 595 898成绩单文凭学历认证使馆认证 Newman University, Birmingham
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution 扣/薇2754 595 898毕业证 成绩单 回国证明 学历认证 留信认证 网上可查永久存档★办理留信网认证。(国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书,将在网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息。)--------------------------------留学信息咨询 留学服务中心 联系人Macy电话:150 7929...
View ArticleMoving Drive to another file server
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution I have previously moved archive partition from one to another on same server as per Symantec best practice.However, would anybody know if there is an easier way to move...
View ArticleRerun scheduled searches in CA for previous weeks
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution HI,Is there a way to rerun a scheduled search from a previous week(s) in CA? There was an idex backlog due to a bad index on the EV server. Now that it is fixed I want...
View ArticleVault Cache Diagnostics sync pending
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi,I have 6 case, out of 12407 archive, where Vault Cache Diagnostic shows Status = Pending, Header Sync State = Not yet syncronizing.One of the client call because...
View ArticleMigrating Journal Archive - new EV Site
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hello,We are migrating to a new AD Domain and will be moving our EV to new environment. We are concerned with the Journal archive migration as export and import will...
View ArticleHow to audit Discovery Accelerator ?
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi Everybody,EV version is 11.0.1If it is possible I would like to enable auditing for Discovery Accelerator.5 years ago it was asked in forum discuss about this issue...
View ArticleEnterprise Vault FSA - Restore a folder when source filer is not available
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi all,We have rundowned a filer and archived all its content in EV, but we are asked to restore a specific folder (with thousands of files and subfolders...) to a new...
View ArticleJournal Archive Oldest/youngest item date NULL
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi All,I need to figure out which Journal archives can be deleted by looking at the oldest and youngest item in the archive. When I run the sql query to pull the...
View ArticleI exported archived mail to their original mailboxes twice time but mail...
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution HiI am testing EV.I exported archived mail to their original mailboxes. The first time, mail messages exported to their original mailboxes correctly and I archived...
View ArticleHow to add additional EV services to configured EV server?
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi,I have an EV environmeant that has 3 EV servers in 1 site. EV1 was the first one and has been handling all the indexing and stroraging. 2 more EV servers, EV2 and...
View ArticleMove EV partition & database
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Our current EV partition / store is expanding and need to move it to a new storage device.Based on the following article, we can only proceed to step 2 when the record...
View ArticleEV, Exchange 2013, ExchangeServers.txt and Search
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi,We use EV 10.0.4 and 11.0.1 and are in the process of upgrading to Exchange 2013. Most of the Exchange services (transport, relay, autodiscover) have been moved to...
View ArticleEV Client Features - Let us know what you think
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Just reposting from our Blog - short version is that we want your input on EV...
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