I have 6 case, out of 12407 archive, where Vault Cache Diagnostic shows Status = Pending, Header Sync State = Not yet syncronizing.
One of the client call because every time its start outlook a message popup saying that EV is not syncing call Sys Admin.
What I have done:
- Delete and recreate Outlook profile
- Delete mapisvc.inf
- Run ResetEVClient.exe
- Disable and reanable the EV archive
- Verify that Bits service running at client computer
- Archive explorer, Search Archive work fine.
- User can manually archive itens from the mailbox
- http://<evserver>/EnterpriseVault/VCView.aspx is working,
- I have at least 11000 user with the same provisioning group as this 6 users.
IIS EV logs:
2015-10-12 08:21:46 GET /EnterpriseVault/ClientDiagnostics.aspx P=1&MSt=10&CSt=3&Ci=12&Td=0&Fa=0&Host=PW71310427.ritta.local&AId=1737BB744FF545C49B03B70B8239C62B71110000EXCHEVARQ01&OLVer= 80 RITTA\em17609 EnterpriseVaultOutlookExt-V10.0.4.1354 200 0 0 234
Server: windows2008 r2, Enterprise Vault
Index Server; Windows 2012 R2, Enterprise Vault
Workstation: Windows 7 x64, Outlook 2010, Evault Add'ins