We have EV environment where we have 3 EV servers and each has own storage to handle EV1/StrorageDB1, EV2/StorageDB2 & EV3/StorageDB3.
For some reason EV2 is writing the event 13397 to the log but the weird part is it's complaining about not being able to connect to the StorageDB1. SQL is on a separate server. I'm taking over managing this environment from someone else so I don't know if the event has only started some time ago or if it has been there since the beginning.
There is nothing on the System DSN list of ODBC of the server.
I rebooted the server already but that did not help.
I checked that the registry on EV2 server has the right SQL server / DB info.
Any idea how to troubleshoot this issue?
Everything seems to work just fine items are archived and users can retrieve their messages normally, but the event is filling up the log and it's annoying...
Sani B.