Hello. We have 7 EV servers in various geographic locations, but the EV's SQL server and all the databases are in one central location.
We have had it like this for years, it works, and this is how we like it.
Now the issue... BackupExec 12 with the EV license. When we make EV backup selections, we do NOT select any SQL components because:
- our SQL DBAs have their own methods for SQL backup
- we don't want an EV backup job in New York to even try backing up the SQL databases that are in the central location in Europe.
However BackupExec still tries to reach out to the SQL server and back it up. And it fails. And it marks the whole job as Failed.
So basically all our successful EV backup jobs are marked as Failed. Which makes our backup administrators very nervous, which leads to all kinds of other unintended consequences.
Is there a way to prevent BackupExec from trying to reach out to the SQL server during an EV backup job?