Hi all,
So on a support case the topic of failed items in indexes has come up. Out of a user population of 8000 we had around 600 archives with indexes with failed items in them. I think this is just because we have never tackled this before.
So I ran the below SQL query to fetch them all and I will work through them in the coming days.
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
SELECT IV.FailedItems AS 'IVFailedItems', IV.FolderName AS 'IV.FolderName', EME.MbxDisplayName AS 'EME.MbxDisplayName'
FROM EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.IndexVolume AS IV, EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry AS EME
WHERE IV.FolderName = EME.DefaultVaultId
AND IV.FailedItems is not null
AND IV.FailedItems > '0'
GROUP BY IV.FolderName, IV.FailedItems, EME.MbxDisplayName
ORDER BY EME.MbxDisplayName
I guess my question is: Does anyone thing this is a significant issue? Or does anyone know of any issues which are caused by this?