Environment running EV 11.0.1CHF3 on a windows 2008R2 exchange archiving from Exchange 2010.
I´ve been looking into a issue where user was noe disabled the correct way in EV before AD user account was deleted.
Error seen when provisioning task runs:The Exchange mailbox provisioning task found enabled mailboxes that are not part of a provisioning group.
Now technote https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.TECH53096 descripes senarions but in step3
If any of the Exchange Mailboxes identified in step 1 do not have a corresponding Active Directory User Account, it will be necessary to manually remove these entries from SQL. Contact Symantec Technical Support for further assistance with this step.
I do find it a bit strange that his information ins not availible public.
I came over this technote
But the prosess of manually changing ArchvingStatus to vaule 2 directly in SQL DB EnterpriseVaultDirectoryDB and table odb.Archive did not have desired effect. Users are still enabled in EV, I can find them as enabled runing the Disable Mailboxes for Archiving Wizard.
Status of arhive in Enterprise Vault admin Console is "unavailible", changing setting back from 2 -> 1 archive are "availible".
I guess my change was done in the wrong table.
Anyone know what to change where to do this prosess manually?