Hello together,
I’ve got a question regarding the tracking of sis parts.
From my understanding Enterprise Vault tracks dvs files in the watchfile table of the vaultstore database.
But where do we track the dvssp and dvssc files?
The membertables of the fingerprint database contain a column named “secured” but the watchsispartfile table in the vaultstore database doesn’t contain something like this.
What I want to do is:
I have an old item in the journalarchive table where backupcomplete is 0 and I want to find out why it’s still 0.
The corresponding entry in the watchfile table shows itemsecured = 1.
So I made a dumpsaveset to see which sis parts are inbound.
I used the characters after the ~ of the sis parts to identify the membertable on the fingerprint database – took a look at this table and found a fitting id with secured = 0
I’m not sure how to proceed further.
Sharing is configured for the whole VSG and items stay in the original location until backup is complete