Hello all,
Suppose I have 10 sites worldwide. Suppose I configure the respective Exchange to journal messages using smtp to a central ev site performing only journal archiving. Suppose I have the need to seperate the archived items to site specific smtp archive (in a journal store). How would that be configured?
We might have 3 EV servers performing Journal SMTP archiving. Each server will have access to a journal partition on an HCP device using the streamer. Should I have 3 partitions (namespaces) , or just 1, and have all 3 servers write to the 1 namespace?
Should I then configure an unique smtp-targetaddress on each Exchange site?
like evsmtpus.domain.com, evsmtpusa.domain.com, evuss.domain.com
Then use address rewriting on EACH ev server to perform the split?
evsmtpus.domain.com:alias GenericUS (define archive 1)
evsmtpusa.domain.com:alias NorthAM (dfine archive 2)
evsmptuss.domain.com:alias SouthAM (define archive 3)
archive 1, 2 and 3 will be in each be in a seperate journalstore, all in one journal vault store group.
How would you do this? Anyone experience in a similar setup?
Reason for asking is different retention requirements, and allowing DA acess to specific archives.