Working on EV 10.0.4 in a Clustered Environment. The Cluster is an N+1 MSCS Environment.
Have been noticing an odd behaviour in EV for quite some time now. For the moment, I do the most logical thing to do but then it is not supposed to be like that. The issue is related to Index Locations being in Backup Mode.
Every day there is an Incremental Backup of the Index Locations that happens early in the morning 5:30 AM IST. In spite of it when I check the EV Server System Status log (after a re-run), it shows that the Index Locations are in Backup Mode.
When I try to clear the Backup Mode via the EV Site, it say that ifailed to contact one of the Nodes (everytime the same Node2) with a "General Exception" Error.
On Node 2, I do see events suggesting that the Backup Mode was cleared on the same morning within minutes when the backup mode was set.
Please check the screenshots attached to this post.
Need help in troubleshooting this issue in the right manner.