I'm facing a Problem with EV 11.01 and Exchange 2013.
Everytime when i start the Mailbox Archiving Task on the EV Server I'll get the Event ID 7206.
A locking error has occurred in CEVMAPILieModeLock : 0x102
Internal reference: STWL Write Mutex CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox
Dtrace shows the follwing
4154 11:19:30.620 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:H {CReadWriteLock::SetReadLock:#267} WaitForSingleObject failed with result [0x102]
4155 11:19:30.620 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV~E Event ID: 7206 A locking error has occurred in CEVMAPILieModeLock : 0x102 |Internal reference: STRL Write Mutex HrMAPIOpenMsgStoreKvs |For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&languag...
4156 11:19:30.620 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:H {CEVMAPILieModeLock::AcquireNonExclusiveLock:#86} FAILED to acquire lock [0xC0041C26], exclusive lock holder [Last lock holder: Process <7612> <ArchiveTask> Thread <12300>]
4157 11:19:30.620 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {HrMAPIOpenMsgStoreKvs:#57} Opened msg store [0xc0040d90]
4158 11:19:30.620 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:H {CMailboxHelper::OpenMailbox:#307} Could not open message store: [0xc0040d90]
4159 11:19:30.620 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1065} Failed to open mailbox
4160 11:19:30.620 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1066} Error being returned : 0xC0040D90
4161 11:19:30.620 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {MAPISessionWithBoundProfileName<class EVMAPIProfileNameFromPool>::~MAPISessionWithBoundProfileName:#75} MAPISessionWithBoundProfileName object count: [0], Unbinding name: [EV_00000001]
4162 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {EVMAPIProfileNameWithAutoDelete::DeleteProfile:#458} Deleted profile, Name: [EV_00000001]
4163 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {EVMAPIProfileNameFromPoolInternal::~EVMAPIProfileNameFromPoolInternal:#346} Profile name now free to use: [EV_00000001]
4164 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:H {CMAPISession::CreateMapiSession} (Exit) Status: [Timed out whilst waiting for the MAPI lie mode lock For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&languag... (0xc0040d90)]
4165 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {CMAPISession::ClearProfileCache} (Entry)
4166 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession} (Entry)
4167 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession:#85} Releasing managed store (IExchangeManageStore): [False]
4168 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession:#91} Releasing message store (IMsgStore): [False]
4169 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession} (Exit)
4170 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:L {CMAPISession::ClearProfileCache} (Exit)
4171 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:H {CMAPISession::GetMapiSessionFromPoolEx} (Exit) Status: [Timed out whilst waiting for the MAPI lie mode lock For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&languag... (0xc0040d90)]
4172 11:19:30.651 [3876] (ArchiveTask) <2368> EV:H {CAgentTask::Initialise:#
Just test with every CAS Server in the environment.
Thanks for help.
Best Regards
Thorsten Puck