Does it matter where the Shopping Service storage is located and why ?
we're running Enterprise Vault 10.0.3, on a single server for Microsoft Exchange 2007 Enterprise Servers with a number of SAN attached dirves, as we long ago ran out of space on the directly attached drives we'd started with. We have several thousand users active.
We have a quite aggressive archiving policy of archiving everything aged greater than 28 days from our current Exchange 2007 clustered Mail servers.
In a bid to make the best use of our storage drives, and to get the best performace from them, a colleague moved under instruction from a storage expert, a number of Enterprise Vault directories, including stuff like the MSMQ's our vault storage partitions and so on, onto various of the SAN drives.
We believed that we were getting good results. Our EV Server seems to be much more stable tha it had previously been Our backups were much quicker and our users could access and view their archives with ease.
However, a single user, who likes to restore restore mail from his archive reported that when he used tried selecting a number of items, to restore in 'bulk' he was getting errors, We got him to use the virtual vault feature and that appeared to be working, but still whenever he restored in bulk, he still received error message dialogu panels such as "Failed to copy item'item name' Reason:- Creation of the basket by the Shopping Service failed.<p>Ask the Enterprise Vault Administrator to check the shopping service configuration. Click 'OK' to continue or 'Cancel' to stop the operation. The "<p>" is part of the actual error panel displayed.
When I look in the Shopping Service folder via Windows Explorer and open the users' sub folder, I can see a list of .BSK files and a .DES file, so the process seems to be finding and creating Basket files but not getting any further.
I tried the same process for myself and chose 'OK' to continue. a dialog box with a fuel bar appears, with the word 'copying' beneath it, but only gets a third of the way along before stalling. I clicked on 'stop' but the box merely 'greys out' and stops responding.I kill that by clicking on the red 'x' in the top corner and respond to confim that I want to terminate the process. This results in my Outlook 2007 client closing down immediately - no additional error messages. I have .BSK files with todays' date and I have a .DES file, prefixed with my ID.
I restart my Outlook client without any problems and am able to use it normally.
Having read a few articles in the forum, but not finding anything really 'concrete' and descriptive to suggest a reason for the failure nor a comprehensive solution, I thought it was time to ask the experts to come up with some answers. One article suggested that the shopping service should be on the 'C' drive, but didn't explain 'why' or what the process or implications are in moving and placing the shopping service onto the 'C' drive. I've not had the benefit of EV training so have to follow whatever you recommend in my best Parrot fashion. I don't know if I have to mess with the System Registry, so that EV knows where the Shopping service is located.
Look forward to your patienrt guidance.