I;m hoping someone can answer a couple of PST migration planning questions that I'm trying to understand. I have a single EV email archiving server which archives about 2500 users from two Exchange 2010 mailbox servers (in a two node dag). I'm planning on creating a temproary EV server to run the PST locate\collect\migrate services for the PST migration and then would decommission this once the PST migration activity has competed.
The storage service that manages the users email archives is currently running on the EV email archiving server and the vault store partitions are presented as block storage from an EMC SAN but does the storage service need to run on the newly commissioned EV PST migration server? If so how do I move this - is it just effectively moving the vault store to a different EV server as per http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH47388? In which case I guess I'd need to unpresent the vault store volumes from the email archiving server and represent them to the PST migration server and then create a storage service on there? Once the PST migration has completed then move it back?
I assume that the normal email archiving runs will still happen on the EV Email archiving server but the content will now be sent over the network to the storage service running on the EV PST migration server?
Sorry for all the questions but just trying to get the processes straight in my mind :o)