So I know that PST locator task can't run against an EMC vnx - this is frustrating. But accepting that are there any options not involving thirs party tools?. Potentially could I run a search tool (such as Tree-View) to report against the EMC share and then use that information to locate the PSTs - and then just run the collector and migrator tasks? Or perhaps then run EVPM on the located PSTs..... I'm just thinking out loud really and wandering what other people have done.
Also - does anyone know when this was first published in the compatibility guide? When I first looked into this the need to run a PST migration against an EMC share there was no mention of this constraint in the compatibility matirx - admittedly that was nearly a year ago. So I wasn't aware of the issue.... now I'm revisiting the requirement and suddenly discover it won't work..... frustrating.....