Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution
I am running
EV 11.0.1 CHF3 on Windows Server 2012
Exchange 2013
I keep getting Events 2850 and 3419 when trying to run a archiving job
Event 2850
Whilst post processing a message an error occurred in CArchivingAgent::PostProcessArchivedItem() whilst calling CExchangeShortcutAccessor::BuildFromSessionAndLocation().
Error returned from BuildFromSessionAndLocation(): 0x8007000E
Event 3419
Could not access Exchange Server. The dispenser will queue the current item and sleep for 300 seconds.
Task: Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for Exchangeserver
I have tried following this technote
But as soon as i run the archive task again the events come back
Any ideas?
Regards Jesper