We have a EV 11 ( installation where DataDomain is used as storage for the Vault Store.
The last few days we have very slow perfomance to the DataDomain Share.
If I try to copy a 20 Mb file to the DataDomain Share, this can take from 5-6 seconds to up to 2-3 minutes.
When trying to copy another 20 Mb file to another (non-datadomain) share, this takes only a few seconds.
If users try to open archived e-mail this takes very long time, and often it will fail/time out.
If I try to copy files to the DataDomain share from another server (not EV server), the perfomance is OK.
During testing I tried to stop the EV Storage Service, and then the performance to the DataDomain share is OK - every operation i.e. copying files or browsing the tree-structure is very fast.
When I start the EV Storage Service again, the poor performance is coming back.
Does anyone have any idea what this can be?