Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution
Hi Guys,
Trying to understand what the best practice is for Exch. 2010 journal mailboxes.
Customer has 4 Exch. 2010 DAG-ed servers (Exch.1, 2, 3, 4) and 4 journal mailboxes. They are doing journaling ONLY. No mailbox archiving.
They have put all 4 journal mailboxes on a single Exchange server (Exch.4) and they have added Exch.4 server to the Exchange Server Targets container in EV. Exch. 1, 2, 3 are NOT added.
1. If one of the journal mailboxes fails over to any of the other 3 Exchange servers via DAG failover, will journaling continue to work?
2. Do they need to add Exch.1,2,3 to the Targets container for point 1 above to work?
3. Anything else they need to do?