Hi All,
Has anyone managed to get EVPM to run from a non-EV Server? I'm using EV 10.0.4 CHF3. But have also tried in a lab environment with 11.0.1.
When I run EVPM, for example, to Disable a Mailbox from archiving, I get the following back:
Creating privileged MAPI session ...
Parsing input file: C:\Users\sa.l2-ev10-01\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6CF6.tmp
Processing input file
Processing mailbox: /o=L2/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=rowi10322
Error - Whilst processing mailbox with dn: /o=L2/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=rowi10322 [0x80040154]
at ArchiveShuttle.Module.EVProvisioning.EVPMExecutor.DisableUserMailbox(EVDisableUserMailboxData userMailboxData)
I have tried:
- Installing the EV API Runtime, and copying EVPM over to the machine
- Install the Vault Admin Console (No API).. this installs EVPM directly
Rob Wilcox