Greenfield Exchange 2013 CU9 with EV 11.0.1, only 3 test mbx exist so no special configuration. Everything works fine except that one of the test mailboxes refused to accept any changes to the policy. Tried to ZAP it but running into an issue below. Exchange 2013 DAG - 2 CAS/2MBX (no server names on the cert).
EVPM: Exchange/CAS server name/DB service mbx account (not vault admin account)/location of the zip.ini
Creating privileged MAPI session ...
Error (0x80070057) creating privileged MAPI session against Exchange Server CAS server name.
353 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#819} Setting up MAPI profile [VaultMbxAgent-labnec02-3240-1439222728-566-0-0]
354 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#822} Creating the MAPI profile...
355 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#839} Creating the message service (if it doesn't already exist)...
356 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#847} Using proxy server name [], certificate principal name [] and SSL [False] for Exchange server [CAS server name][Microsoft Exchange Server 2013]
357 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:L {CExchangeVersion::IsExchange2013orAbove:#214} Exchange 2013 or greater: [True]
358 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:L {ExchangeConnectionPointInformation::IsValid:#65} Invalid Exchange connection point information, proxy server name [], certificate principal name [] and authentication [0x0]
359 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:L {EVMAPIProfileNameWithAutoDelete::DeleteProfile:#458} Deleted profile, Name: [VaultMbxAgent-CAS server name-3240-1439222728-566-0-0]
360 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:H {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx} (Exit) Status: [The parameter is incorrect. (0x80070057)]
361 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1055} Failed to create profile and session for server CAS server name
362 10:05:28.566 [6596] (EVPM) <3240> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1056} Error being returned : 0x80070057