Brand new installaton of EV and Exchange, policy changes are not being applied to the MBX so decided to zap it. Received the following error in cmd window when running EVPM Error (0x80070057) creating privileged MAPI session against Exchange Server "CAS server name" and DTrace caught this error
272 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#822} Creating the MAPI profile...
273 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#839} Creating the message service (if it doesn't already exist)...
274 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:L {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#847} Using proxy server name [], certificate principal name [] and SSL [False] for Exchange server [CAS Server Name][Microsoft Exchange Server 2013]
275 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:L {CExchangeVersion::IsExchange2013orAbove:#214} Exchange 2013 or greater: [True]
276 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:L {ExchangeConnectionPointInformation::IsValid:#65} Invalid Exchange connection point information, proxy server name [], certificate principal name [] and authentication [0x0]
277 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:L {EVMAPIProfileNameWithAutoDelete::DeleteProfile:#458} Deleted profile, Name: [VaultMbxAgent-labnec01-13028-1438979245-671-0-0]
278 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:H {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx} (Exit) Status: [The parameter is incorrect. (0x80070057)]
279 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1055} Failed to create profile and session for server labnec01
280 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1056} Error being returned : 0x80070057
281 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:L {CEVMAPILieModeLock::ReleaseExclusiveLock:#66} Trying to release lock
282 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:L {CEVMAPILieModeLock::ReleaseExclusiveLock:#70} Released lock.
283 14:27:25.671 [11512] (EVPM) <13028> EV:H {CMAPISession::CreateMapiSession} (Exit) Status: [The parameter is incorrect. (0x80070057)]
I see the error but I am not sure what it's expecting or how to fix this? Ideas?