Hi All
This will probably be a blast from the past and I am sure I have seen it before.
I have a customer who have bought their old Citrix 4.5 farm into scope for the EV client, since it was supposed to be gone before project completion.
They have Outlook 2003 with Office SP3 applied. using EV10 Sp4 CU3 on server and client. Client has been installed with VBS dll applied as per TECH35595.
The issue I am having is that the "search archive" button does not do anything and the "Archive explorer" just removes the left hand folder column in Outlook and does not open. I have tried it as a published app and also logged on to the Citrix server
I thought that it may be pemissions on the %TEMP% area but I can see it creating the redirect htm files.
I am guessing that it is some security policy or IE setting or Outlook Group policy setting and I have seen it before I am sure.
I have no access to group policy and I have to go through someone else to check settings etc
Does this ring a bell for any one