a customer is having the problem that sometimes some of the exchange archives are loosing the inherited folder permissions from exchange. Synchronization takes place at 12 am and 12 pm. From what I understand the folder hierarchy and permissions should be synchronized on an exchange mailbox archiving task Run which is scheduled between 3 and 7 am. Am I right here?
So the normal synchronization at 12 am and 12 pm should not be respsonsible for the loose of the permissions.
We tried tracing the archiving task and it shows:
{CFolderHelper::GetFolderSettings:#1192} Synchronising folder permissions for folder [Posteingang]
{CSynchHelper::SynchroniseFolderPermissions:#1054} (Posteingang) - add permissions to dacl
CSynchHelper::APTEVD(Posteingang) - Adding SID [<SID>] to Security Descriptor, Grant Mask = 0x0000007F, Deny Mask = 0x0000000
{CSynchHelper::SynchroniseFolderPermissions:#1094} (Posteingang) - Set the dacl in the security descriptor
{CSynchHelper::SynchroniseFolderPermissions:#1106} (Posteingang) - Calling UpdateArchive as it has changed from the copy stored in the database
Does this mean that the archiving tasks detects that permissions have changed?
If this is the case - What could have changed the permissions on the folders in the archive? Nothing has changed on exchange side.
Is this a common problem or does anyone know how to investigate further on this?
Enterprise Vault version is