Yet another EV migration question however this particular scenario I have not seen covered so forgive if there is overlap.
Current Config:
EV 9.0.2 running on Server 2003 R2 32bit (physical)
SQL 2005 running on the EV9 box
Datastore (1.13TB) also sited on the EV9 box. Data is only 130 archived mailboxes and about 450Gb of public folders. No files shares and no holds
Target Config:
EV 10.0.4
Server 2012 R2 (VM)
SQL 2008 on speparate box
Datastore sited on NAS
The work flow for this migration I'd like feedback on would be;
1. Moving the SQL databases to the new SQL 2008 instance
2. Move datastores to the new NAS
3. Use the Server Migration Wizard to export EV settings to new EV 10 VM
4. Push out add-in updates to clients
My assumption is that the Mirgration Wiz move will be easier if the datastore is the same location on both ends of the migration thus moving the datastore first. Perhaps I'm wrong and I should make the move of data after the Migration Wiz has run as others suggest.
Does the Migration Wiz update the shortcut paths when the new server is up?
Should I really be considering using the Archive Migration tool to move between EV9 and EV10 given the small number of mailboxes?