Enterprise Vault 8.0.4 on Windows 2008 servers
We run EVSVR verify every weekday during the backup window.
For a while (since about June), we've been getting
"Collection Reference Counts do not match"
nearly every week (typically "Collections with mismatched RefCounts: 5" for some reason).
So far as I can tell, it's always on the same partition. Looking over the last several weeks, it looks like it is always stuff archived on 30 January
(e.g. from EVSVR report:
2014-10-02 17:22:30 Collection file path: \\xyz-EV2\EVPartition01ce95060321c410$\2014\01-30\4\Collection222101.CAB, Identity: 222101
2014-10-02 17:22:30 Collection Reference Counts do not match: Collection: 1, Savesets: 0, SISParts and Converted Contents: 0)
I've had a look at that collection file path: the file is there and there are items in it. All *.DVSSP and *.DVSCC (no *.DVS)
Is this something we should worry about? If so, is there a good way to fix it?
- John