Hello all,
I'm drawing a blank, and need some reminder. Exchange is 2010, EV is 10SP4CHF2
We have 2 Exchange-servers. EX1 and EX2. EX1 is prod, Ex2 is DR. EV is configured to archiving journalmailbox on EX1 (i.e. task points to EX1)
The JournalDB is NOT replicated to the EX2. If EX1 goes down for maintenance, I am correct in saying Journal Archiving will no longer work.
Q1 - If the Journal MAILBOX is moved manually to a JournalDB on EX2, will the existing task continue archiving from that mailbox, even if the task is for the EX1 server?
In the 'setting up exchange archiving', it is written:
Note: When you have completed the configuration of Exchange Server journal archiving, Enterprise Vault directly targets the journal mailbox. For this reason,
if you need to move the journal mailbox to a different Exchange server in the same Exchange organization, there is no need to reconfigure journal archiving.
I am staying in the same organization. I see however that the TASK throws an error saying "Could not access Exchange Server. The dispenser will queue the current item and sleep for 60 seconds."
I believe I need to have a Journal Archiving task for both EX1 and EX2, and possibly also in EV need to 'move' the Journal Mailbox definition from EX1 to EX2.
Or, I can create a 2nd Journal Mailbox on EX2 (in EV), and reconfigure Exchange to start using that one for the period in which EX1 is down.
Anyone has an explanation, or point me to a KB/Manual?