I have a requirement for retrieve all vaulted data for a particular FSA. Obviously I have used the script below
select av.ArchiveName, sum (sp.OriginalSize)/1024/1024 'Original_Size(MB)' from Saveset ss
inner join SavesetProperty sp on sp.SavesetIdentity = ss.SavesetIdentity
inner join ArchivePoint ap on ap.ArchivePointIdentity = ss.ArchivePointIdentity
inner join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ArchiveView av on av.VaultEntryId = ap.ArchivePointId
WHERE AV.Type = 129 ---ONLY FOR FSA, for all, comment this line
group by av.ArchiveName
Was able to see the amount of space needed on my FSA to begin the retrieval
I was going to use the FSAUtility -b –s “UNCPath” –recurse
Question: is there another way this can be done like removing the excluded exe and allow AV or backup software to do the recall ????