As part of a business split we are required to change some mailboxes to be archived to a new vault store from day of separation (future date).
1. I have created the new vault store group and and new mail vault store
2. I then created new exchange provisioning groups overridding the inherited vault store and selecting my new mail vault store
3. I made sure these provisioning groups were ranked higher than the existing groups.
4. I moved a test user mailbox from the standard provisioning group to one of my new provisioning groups and run the exchange provisioning task.
5. I confirmed in the exchange provisioning task log that the test user mailbox was now set to the new provisioning group.
6. I then run the archiving task and confirmed a number of items were archived.
But when I check the new mail vault store it's empty apart from the EnterpriseVaultPartitionRoot.xml
Is it possible to change already archive enabled mailboxes to a different vault store group?