Following up on a previous post ( We currently archive Exchange mailboxes, specified message classes over 90 days old. This works as expected.
I'd now like to add Calendar items over 2 years old, I don't think this is easily achievable using the standard policies and settings. To test this out I have created a new mailbox policy including IPM.Appointment items and applied this to my test mailbox. So far so good.
I then used the below EVPM INI file to set the age based archive policy on the Calendar folder:
[Directory] DirectoryComputerName = EVARC-EM1-01 SiteName = Enterprise Vault - EM [Filter] Name = 2YearCalendar CreateShortcut = False DeleteOriginal = True UnreadMail = True UseInactivityPeriod = True InactivityUnits = Months InactivityPeriod = 24 [Mailbox] DistinguishedName = LegacyExchnageDN of target mailbox [Folder] Name = Calendar FilterName = 2YearCalendar OverrideArchiveLocks = True
EVPM processed successfully. I ran provisioning and mailbox synchronisation and tried a Run Now archive, but no calendar items are archived.
Is there a way to verify the policy is applied to the test mailbox? and any ideas on achieving the differing age based archiving on different folders.