We have just completed a migration to Office 365 for a part of the business that has a slightly "odd" business requirement regarding email archiving so I'm looking around for the most suitable solution for them although I suspect Symantecs offerings may be more complex (and costly?) than they actually require so I thought I'd ask here first.
They are a current on-prem GFI mailArchiver user whose business sells products that are delivered via email. They have a requirement to keep copies of the delivery emails for up to 15yrs as they occassionaly have legal issues with customers making claims that they were sold incorrect information.
They currently have an existing on-prem GFI archive of around 1.7Tb (from an Exchange 2003 environment) but have recently migrated to Office365 so are looking for a solution there, but also potentially for the historic archive.
Their business process is as follows:
All emails containing product delivery are automatically BCC’d to both an Exchange Public Folder and to a dedicated GFI MailArchiver mailbox. The Public Folder is configured to retain 3 months worth of mails and this is generally the first port of call when they have an enquiry. The mailbox is used for GFI to actually archive formally and users would access all historic emails via this archive if they’re older than 3 months.
So, now they need a similar solution for Office365, but only for archiving effectively a single mailbox, but that archive needs to be accessible to multiple users.
Lastly, if we do find a good fit, is there an option to migrate the on-prem GFI archive into a cloud-based one? Doesn’t /have/ to be super-quick import in my opinion, it can be populated over time if required but we’d prefer to not have to rely on the local physical infrastructure if it can be avoided, especially as it’s for data that’ll never change but does occasionally need to be accessed.
Any info/pointers (especially around pricing) greatfully appreciated..
(Also my first post here so hopefully I'm in the right place!)