Hi I have a really stubborn 41447 in my VAC - I just can't shift it
41447 - There has been no mailbox synchronization with Exchange since etc etc
The number of days increments
It's definitely not a simple ReRun checks
If I purge the queue, delete the task associated the Exchange in question, delete the MSMQ parts associated with this now deleted task, recreate the task and run a synchronise all, messages populate the new MSMQ A7 for the new task, clear down, rerun checks and the alert goes away
Leave it to sync automatically over a few days and the problem returns
I can see the A7 calls in the queues right now, just build daily, so I know the task initiates the sync, and the call to sync gets as far as the MSMQ's but they just won't process through
MSMQ service restarts - no effect
EV service restarts - no effect
Message are going through other MSMQ's, A1 and A2 for example
I've DTraced the ArchiveTask and left it running during automatic and manual syncs - There's nothing obvious that jumps out, but if anyone knows specific things to look for please let me know
Are there any other DTrace componants I should be targetting?
Has anyone got any ideas what I could try next?