Hi all,
I'm getting this error (6838) from time to time:
Failed to recall a Saveset from its Collection.
Reason: Failed to extract the file from the CAB file. The file name is not in the CAB file index. For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&languag... (0xc0041bdf)
Relative Saveset Filename: 2013\12-10\9\095\9095F4BE1CF746D23BC4E535364BC181~2C~3B008BCD~00~1.DVSSP
Relative Collection Filename: 2013\12-10\9\Collection71309.cab
PartitionEntryID: 10662FA52B219AE46A0BED018C5C7B5871q10000evserver1
PartitionGUID: 0662FA52B219AE46A0BED018C5C7B587
Partition Root Path: F:\ExchangePtn1
Secondary Location:
Migrated File Id:
Reference: NSDR/LMF
Is there any way to know wich mailxbox is involve? What can I do with it? Am I loosing data? No user has called saying is having problems opening archived emails.
I'm also getting theses errors when exporting some mailbox archives to a PST and when rebuilding indexes.
Thanks in advanced and best regards.
//Juan Antonio