Hello to all,
I have major problem with my Enterprise Vault 10, or to be more precise, with backup of my enterprise vault.
We backup our Enterprise vault with HP data protector; SQL and file system, and with version 6 until now.
With that version everything was fine, after backup was done, arhcive bit of backued up files was reseted, Vault knows that and continue to work ok.
Recently, before few days, we upgraded HP data protector to version 8, along with backup clients, and suddenly Enterprise vault start to notify two critical errors from status in EV console:
1. Status 41261 - Check for success of backup and replication of newly-archived data
It is more than 2 days since backup or replication was detected for one or more open partitions
2. Status 41008 - New items awaiting backup or replication
There are 19405 savesets that have not yet been backed up or replicated for Vault Store 'Name of store'.
Also, our clients says that they cannot arhive mails.
Sounds like to me, that EV no longer knows when HP do backups.
On HP backup server, script that making backup say to EV server to put vault partitions out of backup mode when backup is done, but EV still hold partitions in backup mode.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is really major problem so I'm asking for solution... If there's any.